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AMIR KATS Clarinet
OLIVIER MESSIAEN 1908 - 1992 Quatuor pour la fin du temps I LITURGIE DE CRISTAL (Liturgy of crystal) II VOCALISE, POUR L'ANGE QUI ANNONCE LA FIN DU TEMPS (Vocalise, for the angel who announces the end of Time) III ABIME DES OISEAUX (Abyss of the birds) IV INTERMEDE (Interlude) V LOUANGE A L'ETERNITE DE JESUS (Praise to the eternity of Jesus) VI DANSE DE LA FUREUR (dance of the fury) VII FOUILLIS D'ARC-EN-CIELS (clusters of rainbows) VIII LOUANGE A L'IMMORTALITE DE JESUS (Praise to the immortality of Jesus) |
November 17, 2001 QUATUOR POUR LA FIN DU TEMPS 438 West 37th Street |
ROBERT SCHUMANN 1810 - 1856 Liederkreis Op. 39 (Eichendorff) In der Fremde ( In a foreign land) Intermezzo Waldesgespräch (Conversation in the wood) Die Stille (Silence) Mondnacht (Moon-night) Schöne Fremde (Beateous foreign land) Auf einer Burg (In a castle) In der Fremde (In a foreign land) Wehmut (Melancholy) Zwielicht (Twighlight) Im Walde (In the wood) Frühlingsnacht (Spring-night) |
January 27, 2001 NOT YOUR USUAL KIND OF LIEDERABEND 438 West 37th Street |
BALZ TRÜMPY b. 1946 Vier Lieder 1990 (Eichendorff) Mittagsruh (Midday's rest) Der Abend (The evening) In der Nacht (At night) Frühe (Early morning) |
January 27, 2001 NOT YOUR USUAL KIND OF LIEDERABEND 438 West 37th Street |
CHARLES IVES 1874 - 1954 Five Songs Afterglow (Cooper) Disclosure (Ives) Duty (Emerson) Vita (Manlius) Ilmenau (Goethe) |
January 27, 2001 NOT YOUR USUAL KIND OF LIEDERABEND 438 West 37th Street |
FREDERIC RZEWSKI b. 1938 Spots 1986 13 one minute pieces |
January 27, 2001 NOT YOUR USUAL KIND OF LIEDERABEND 438 West 37th Street |